Monday, February 1, 2010

Nathan Ensminger: Heelers Are Good Pets

Hi! I am Nathan Ensminger and I am going to share with you why heelers are my favorite dog. Another name for heelers is Australian Cattle Dog.
I love heelers because they bite you on the heels. They usually don't bark too much, which is nice. I also like them because they don't jump so much.

Heelers are loyal to their owners. They are quick to learn things. I've taught my heeler Wily to sit and play fetch. Heelers also have cool colors. Some are mixed with  black and red and some have white added. Wily is more of a red colored heeler.

I have had nine heelers in my life. My favorite one, the fifth one, was named Him.  If you are thinking about getting a dog, a heeler is a good choice. They are fun to be around, kids will like them, and they are easy to train.


  1. They might not be a good pet if they bite your heels.

  2. hi Nathan, This was very interesting. I will be looking for a heeler now when I walk through the park.
