Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gabriella Antonina Grillone "A Day In Eighth Grade"

 Tarah and Gabby

A Day In Eighth Grade

Here's a bit of what happens each day
At Inchelium school in eighth grade

The first class, Algebra, isn't so fun
We're barely awake enough to answer 1+1

Next we walk over to Ms. Woolums class
This class is great, I'm sure I'll pass!

After that we're off to college dreams
AVID class is easier than it seems

PE is next in our very busy day
Finally we get to run and play

After PE we finally get a break
And we get to see what Pat & Sue made

We get a break to go play basketball
It's fun because Tom is 8 foot tall

After break we go to history class
Goof of Mr. H will kick your... butt!

After that we go next door
Mrs. Lang's class isn't a bore
In this class we start fires!
But be careful not to trip on wires

After a long day we head for home
We talk and laugh and text on phones
But tomorrow we'll have come back here
And every day after that
For the rest of eighth grade year

An original poem by Gabriella Grillone :]
Hope you like it!!!


  1. This is an awesome poem but i am only 6'

  2. Thank you so much for posting this poem. It gives us a great picture of your class. Ms. Woolum

  3. It sounds like you have a very busy schedule!

  4. Gabriella,

    I did like it! Especially the part about Tom being 8 feet tall. I loved that part. More; I want more. Another poem about life at school.
